Sunday 24 February 2019

MIGRAIN: Ideology - final tasks

Ideology - final tasks (MM52 reading)

Page 34: The World Of Mockingjay: Ideology, Dystopia And Propaganda

1) Read the article and summarise it in one sentence.

Mockingjay focuses on the media and the use of propaganda.

2) What view of capitalist ideology is presented in the Hunger Games films?

Those in power control ideas, as well as resources. - MM

3) What do the Hunger Games films suggest about the power of the media to shape and influence ideological beliefs?

The people will always find a way to rebel and to resist power, often not through civic means such as voting and campaigning within the political system as it is, but through organising and connecting in other ways, such as citizen journalism, social media and the use of symbols. - MM 

Page 48: They Live - Understanding Ideology

1) Read the article and summarise it in one sentence.

In Britain the ideologies are so dominant that they're 'natural' to us.
2) What are the four accepted ideological beliefs in western societies highlighted by the article?

• People should put their families first.
• People should work hard for their money.
• Women should behave in feminine ways, and look after their appearance.
• Law is better than disorder.

3) What does Gramsci's theory of hegemony suggest about power and ideology in society?

Gramsci's theory of hegemony suggests that the dominant classes are creating their own ideologies which are being seen as 'common sense' and 'natural' to the world.

4) What does French theorist Louis Althusser suggest about ideology and consumerism?

Louis  Althusser suggests that ideology is the greatest material power and dominates our day to day lives through key forms of control: Repressive State Control and Ideological State Apparatuses. He also carries on and says ideologies pervades all ages, genders and is a dominant in the 21st century west.

5) Do YOU agree with the idea behind They Live - that we are unthinkingly controlled by the media which is run in the interests of the economic elite? These are the big questions of A Level Media!

Yes! I strongly believe that we are unthinkingly controlled by the media and nowadays everything we see in the media we are easily influenced and we agree with people such as celebrities. The economic elites are the ones with all the money and therefore they have the power. 

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